nvm use x.x.x => exit status 1:
serg | Oct. 4, 2021, 11:58 a.m.
I had a troube installing nvm on Windows 10 as it mentioned here https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/dev-environment/javascript/nodejs-on-windows#alternative-version-managers I wrote in a cmd: nvm use x.x.x and got the error: exit status 1: ЌҐ¤®бв в®з® ЇаЁўЁ«ҐЈЁ© ¤«п ўлЇ®«ҐЁп нв®© ®ЇҐа жЁЁ. I redirected output to a txt file nvm use x.x.x > log.txt and opened log.txt with notepad++ because it can detect encoding automatically After this I saw the reason: no access! Just run cmd as administrator to avoid the error